
To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. William Blake, from "Auguries of Innocence"

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Very Special Bond

Dear Daughter,

Today is Papa's Birthday, but what is even more special is that we are celebrating yours as well with your friends in the park.

It is super special for Papa to share this day with you and I just want you to know how amazing my life is because you are part of it.

Though it is not your actual birthday (just one more week!), it is a bond that I am forever grateful for in my life.

Here is our Big Ben that we made the other day. A memory that will "stand in time".

I Love you,


Friday, March 15, 2013

Hello, from England

Dear Daughter,

Papa is in Cambridge in England, and I am in a wonderful cafe called the "Indigo," which as you know is the next to last color of the rainbow, visiting the University here to listen to an important person talk about some very weird stuff about our Universe in honor of a very important person Papa knew many years ago.

Cambridge is a beautiful city, with a river that runs along it, called the Cam. In fact, that is where the name comes from, it designated a Bridge over the River Cam, that someone decided long ago to call it the Cam-Bridge.

It is like the story about where the name Antwerpen may have come from that Papa likes to tell people. Remember the statue in the center that has Brabo throwing the hand of the giant Antinoos in the Schelde? That might be the origin of “hand werpen,” or to throw the hand in Dutch. But, nobody is really sure about that one.

This is also where Aunt Rachel went to school many years ago and maybe one day she can show you the college she went to as well.

I Love  You,